
Philosophy of Ruleset handling

Scirius allows you to define a Ruleset which is a set of rules defining the behaviour of Stamus Networks Suricata probes regarding detection and inspection. You can have as many Rulesets as you would like and you can attach a particular Ruleset to many Appliances.

A Ruleset is made of components selected in different Sources. Transformation such as removing some rules, altering content can be applied to the signatures in the ruleset before it is pushed to the network probe(s).

A Source is a set of files providing information to Suricata. For example, this can be EmergingThreats ruleset downloaded from the official ET URL (or any other URL) or uploaded locally.

When a Source containing Signatures is splitted in multiple files, the set of Signatures in each individual file is called a Category.

User actions logging

All actions done in ruleset management are logged. It is possible to access their history by using Actions history in the Stamus icon menu.

Optional comment are available for each action to allow users to interact with each other.

Ruleset management

The ruleset management encompasses both the Rulesets and Sources major menu options.

To create a ruleset, you thus must create a set of Sources and then link them to the ruleset. Once this is done, you can select which elements of the source you want to use. For example, in the case of a signature ruleset, you can select which categories you want to use and which individual signature you want do disable.

Once a Ruleset is defined, you can attach it to a Probe. To do that simply edit the Probe object and choose the Ruleset in the list.

Creating Source

There is two methods to create a Source. First one is to use predefined public sources and the second one via manual addition.

Public sources

Go to Sources -> Add public source (Add being in the Actions menu in the sidebar).

Choose a source and click on the Add button. In the popup you can select to which ruleset you want to add the source. In some cases there will be some fields like the secret key provided by the rules editors to be entered.

Manual addition

To create a Source go to Sources -> Add custom source (Add being in the Actions menu in the sidebar). Then set the different fields and click Submit.

A source of datatype Signatures files in tar archive has to follow some rules:

  • It must be a tar archive
  • All files must be under a rules directory

For example, if you want to fetch ETOpen Ruleset for Suricata 4.0, you can use:

A source of datatype Individual signature files has to be a single file containing signatures.

For example, if you want to use SSL blacklist from, you can use:

A source of datatype Other content has to be a single file. It will be copied to Suricata rules directory using its name as filename.

If method is HTTP URL, you will see an Optional authorization key field. This field is optional and can be used to authenticate Scirius against the remote server. It adds an authorization header to HTTP request allowing authentication on a large number of third party services. This can be used in particular to import signatures from a MISP instance. See MISP documentation for more information.

Updating Source

To update a Source, you first need to select it. To do that, go to Sources then select the wanted Source in the array.

You can then click on Update in the menu in the sidebar. This step can take long as it can require some download and heavy parsing.

Once updated, you can browse the result by following links in the array.

Creating Ruleset

To create a Ruleset go to Ruleset -> Add (Add being in the Actions menu in the sidebar). Then set the name of the Ruleset and choose which Sources to use and click Submit.

You can select the Sources to use and the transformations to apply. For more informations about them, see Rule transformations.

Updating Ruleset

To update a Ruleset, you first need to select it. To do that, go to Ruleset then select the wanted Ruleset in the array.

You can then click on Update in the Action menu in the sidebar. This step can take long as it can require download of different Sources and heavy parsing.

Editing Ruleset

To edit a Ruleset, you first need to select it. To do that, go to Ruleset then select the wanted Ruleset in the array.

You can then click on Edit in the Action menu in the sidebar.

There is now different operations available in the Action menu

  • Edit sources: select which sources of signatures to use in the Ruleset
  • Edit categories: select which categories of signatures to use in the Ruleset
  • Add rule to suppressed list: if a rule is in this list then it will not be part of the generated Ruleset
  • Remove rule from suppressed list: this remove a rule from the previously mentioned list thus re-enabling it in the Ruleset

Edit Sources

To select which Sources to use, just select them via the checkbox and click on Update sources. Please note that selecting categories to enable is the next step in the process when you add a new source.

Edit Categories

To select which Categories to use, just select them via the checkbox and click on Update categories.

Add rule to suppressed list

Use the search field to find the rule(s) you want to remove, you can use the SID or any other element in the signature. Scirius will search the entered text in the definition of signature and return you the list of rules. You will then be able to remove them by clicking on the check boxes and clicking on Add selected rules to suppressed list.

Remove rule from suppressed list

To remove rules from suppressed list, simply check them in the array and click on Remove select rules from suppressed list.

Suppression and thresholding

Alert numbers for a particular signature can be controlled through suppression or thresholding.

Thresholding is usually used when number of alerts needs to be minimized - as for example maximum 1 alert per minute from that source or destination IP for that signature.

Suppression is used when the alerts need to be suppressed - aka do not generate alerts for that particular signature from that source or destination IP.

Suppress alerts

From any table displaying a list of alerts, click on the particular sid for the alerts that would need to be suppressed. This will display the rule page. There you can click on Edit rule under Action on the menu on the left hand side, then select Suppress rule in the same menu. From the rule page you can also reach the suppression creation page by being on the Ip and Time stats or Advanced Data tabs and clicking on the x next to the IP address.

On the new page you will be informed if there already is some threshold or suppression in effect for that particular signature. The available fields are:

  • Ruleset for which ruleset this configuration applies
  • Track by (mandatory field) to track by source or destination IP
  • Net for which IP and/or particular network is that valid.

Choose the ruleset , source or destination (for that particular IP) and click +Add.

You can also choose to enforce the suppression for a whole network and/or use a list of IPs. You can add in the Net field like so:,,

You can verify the suppression by clicking on the Rules info tab. You will have an informational display about the status of the different (if any) threshold and suppression configurations. Alternatively you can also view that by clicking Rulesets and selecting the ruleset for which you have applied the particular suppression or threshold.

In order for the suppression to become active you need to Push the updated ruleset to the probes. See updating-appliances-ruleset on SEE and Updating ruleset on Scirius CE for complete instruction.

Threshold alerts

From any table displaying a list of alerts, click on the particular sid for the alerts that would need to be suppressed. This will display the rule page. There you can click on Edit rule under Action on the menu on the left hand side, then select Threshold rule in the same menu. From the rule page you can also reach the threshold creation page by being on the Ip and Time stats or Advanced Data tabs and clicking on the arrow down (next to the x) next to the IP address.

On the new page you will be informed if there already is some threshold or suppression in effect for that particular signature. The available fields are:

  • Type type of the threshold. It can be:

    limit - limits the alerts to at most “X” times.

    threshold - minimum threshold for a rule before it generates an alert.

    both - both limiting and thresholding are applied.

  • Ruleset for which ruleset this configuration applies

  • Track by (mandatory field) to track by source or destination IP

  • Count number of times the alert is generated.

  • Seconds within that timespan

You can verify the thresholding by clicking on the Rules info tab. You will have an informational display about the status of the different (if any) threshold and suppression configurations. Alternatively you can also view that by clicking Rulesets and selecting the ruleset for which you have applied the particular suppression or threshold.

In order for the threshold to become active you need to Push the updated ruleset to the probes. See updating-appliances-ruleset on SEE and Updating ruleset on Scirius CE for complete instruction.

Rule transformations

There is three types of rules transformations. The first one Action allows the action of a particular rule to be changed - to drop, reject or filestore. Please note these actions requires advanced knowledge about rules and the rule keywords language. Second one is Lateral that modify the rules to detect lateral movement and third one is Target that update signatures by adding the target keyword.

Transformation are relative to a ruleset. But they can be set globally on a ruleset or set on a category or on a specific rule. So it is easy to handle exceptions.

Action transformation

Once you have a particular rule that you would like to transform - in the rule’s details page on the left hand side panel under Actions click Transform rule. You will be presented with a few choices:

  • Type of transformation to choose form:

    drop - (IPS mode) will convert the rule from alert to drop - aka IPS mode needs to be explicitly set up and configured before hand.

    reject - (IDPS/hybrid) will convert the rule from alert to reject meaning that when triggered a RST/or dst unreachable packets will be send to both the src and dst IP.

    filestore - will convert those rules only that have protocols allowing for file extraction - for example alert http... or alert smtp

  • Choose a ruleset you wish the newly transformed rule to be added/registered in.

NOTE: A particular rule can be transformed only once.

NOTE: For using the drop functionality you need to have a valid IPS setup.

After you make the desired selection you can add in a comment for the purpose of accountability and click on Valid. You will have the details about the transformed rule in the Information tab. You can review and confirm the transformation and the ruleset it is add in alongside any comments.

Only rules that are active can be transformed. If a rule is not active in a particular ruleset it will not have the transformation or suppress/threshold options available on the left hand side panel. To make it active you can toggle the availability of that rule by clicking on the Toggle availability option on the left hand side panel menu.

The history tab of the rule details page will have any comments and changes to the transformed rule for traceability.

Lateral movement

Signatures are often written with the EXTERNAL_NET and HOME_NET variables and this means they won’t match if both sides of a flow are in the HOME_NET. Thus, lateral movements are not detected. This transformation change EXTERNAL_NET to any to be able to detect lateral movements.

The option can have three values:

  • No: the replacement is not done
  • Yes: EXTERNAL_NET is replaced by any
  • Auto: Substitution is done if signature verify some properties

Target keyword

Available since Suricata 4.0, the target keyword can be used to tell which side of a flow triggering a signature is the target. If this key is present then related events are enhanced to contain the source and target of the attack.

The option can have four values:

  • Auto: an algorithm is used to determine the target if there is one
  • Destination: target is the destination IP
  • Source: target is the source IP
  • None: no transformation is done